How NOT to take advantage of a recent full-disk backup…

Whatever happens, never, ever, think that having just copied all of your data on an external hard disk, it is a good time to wipe your main disk clean to selectively import back only recent and important stuff. Or just to achieve drefragmentation, old-skool.

Because the backup disk, even if used for only about an hour, MIGHT FAIL.

And take with it all your digital life: music, pictures, code, documents and the rest.

R.I.P. Maxtor 3200 500GB external drive, 2007 – 2009. Always cursed for speed and noise, only after thou left was your worth acknowledged.

An xmlrpc connector for Mantis

It just felt soo long since I had last hacked on anything xmlrpc-related, and some part of me was looking for an itch to scratch.
Luckily today a request for help via email set me on a hunt for blog posts / forum posts / mailing list messages where complete newbies ask questions about the phpxmlrpc lib not working for them. Of course they post there instead of the correct mailing list because in fact they have trouble setting up their favourite php application. Heck, they probably do not even know what phpxmlrpc is.
To make a long story short, I ended up looking at the code of a poorly-written dotproject xmlrpc plugin, and wondering why the mantis bugtracker has such a nice and clean soap interface but has no xmlrpc one.
And since it was late evening – the best time to code, when there are no distractions coming in over the phone or chat or email – and home alone, I just sat in the front of the keyboard decided to put and end to that last shameful situation.

For everybody who needs it ot just wants to test it, here it is: the Mantisconnect XMLRPC Interface, rev. 0.1

The completely unofficial Xdebug.ini

There are just a couple of minor annoyances with the Xdebug PHP debugger really, the first one being the absence of a proper documentation package to be downloaded and read offline.

I find well-commented ini files, in the Apache httpd.conf style, the best complement to user manuals and technical references: when you are editing the forgotten config of that vetust server that has no web access or even ssh whatsoever, awkwardly sitting on an unstable pile of extinguished hardware in the darkest corner of the server room, they will save you dozens of round trips to go googling for information.

Unfortunately the Xdebug distribution contains no such thing: no comments, no list of ini directives, no ini file at all. But since I am a nice chap, after having carved out such precious jewel, I thought it might be of interest to the community, and without further ado here it is:

Continue reading The completely unofficial Xdebug.ini

Microsoft loves PHP, at long last! (or does it?)

As lots of other coders in the PHP blogosphere, I am rejoicing for the release of the final version of the FastCGI extension from Microsoft that promises to bring enormous gains in terms of speed and stability when running PHP with IIS.

Unfortunately, when you look at the minimum requirements, you will see that only Windows 2003 server is supported. No playing around with your XP laptop or those old windows 2000 boxes that still occupy a huge chunk of the server room. My guess is that with a little tweaking you might make it work on other platforms (as you can get IIS installed on Xp home), but then support from MS would be less than forthcoming…

Another great piece of technology to make PHP usable in the MS ecosystem is an improved driver to connect to SQL Server: the standard php driver is known for not being 100% stable, with the syndrome I have most frequently seen on live servers being connections sometimes being dropped/connection attempts aborted.
The beta (tcp) version is also available from MS since October. Or at least it should: I have been trying unsuccessfully to download it for a couple of days, and always end up on a broken download server.

The platform support here is broader, starting with windows 200 sp4. Unfortunately, this extension needs the the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client to work, which is not available on any non-ms platform. The most common php platform (linux+apache+php) will thus reap no benefits from this improved driver – the source being of course closed.

All in all, some steps are being taken in the right direction. Let’s just hope than more will be in the future.

Slashdot: 10 anni di notizie false e tendenziose!

Chissà sommando il tempo speso da migliaia di internauti a leggere e commentare tutte quelle news a che cifra astronomica si arriverebbe… Di sicuro IO vorrei indietro il tempo buttato!

Siccome l’unico party parigino a cui finora si é iscritto qualcuno é il 19 ottobre, e io quel giorno sono a Roma, mi sono detto: perché non provare ad organizzare un incontro nella città eterna?

Partecipate numerosi!!!

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